
[AsiaNet] Yinan County: Inheritance of Craftsmanship Spirit in Vinegar

뉴스코어 | 기사입력 2024/09/12 [16:26]

[AsiaNet] Yinan County: Inheritance of Craftsmanship Spirit in Vinegar

뉴스코어 | 입력 : 2024/09/12 [16:26]

[AsiaNet] Yinan County: Inheritance of Craftsmanship Spirit in Vinegar

AsiaNet 0200370

YINAN, China Sept 12, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- In Shannantou Village, Zhuanbu Town, Yinan County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, the brewing technique of Xiaowang Family Vinegar has been passed down through generations. Wang Jixu, the 53rd descendant of the Xiaowang Family, carries the important responsibility of promoting this ancient craft. The production process of Xiaowang Family Vinegar is rooted in traditional techniques that have been handed down through the Xiaowang lineage, preserving not only the original flavor of the vinegar but also embodying a rich cultural heritage.

The vinegar-making process begins in the summer during the hottest days, using freshly harvested wheat to carefully create a pure grain starter. In autumn, such a starter is mixed with the new wheat for solid-state fermentation. This unique fermentation technique imparts an aromatic, sweet, and mellow flavor to the vinegar, ensuring its stability over time and preventing spoilage.

The brewing process of Xiaowang Family Vinegar strictly follows four steps of steaming, fermenting, draining, and aging. Each step is executed with precision to preserve the beneficial components of the raw materials, through entirely natural biological fermentation. The fermentation also adheres to a natural approach of "sunbathing in summer and ice harvesting in winter," which gives Xiaowang Family Vinegar its remarkable properties of being "mold-free in summer and freeze-resistant in winter." This naturally fermented vinegar boasts a reddish-brown hue, clear and bright features, and a rich aroma with a long-lasting aftertaste.

Xiaowang Family Vinegar is not only a delicious condiment but also offers certain medicinal benefits. It contains a multiplicity of essential amino acids, abundant vitamins and minerals that can soften blood vessels, lower blood pressure and lipid levels, prevent liver diseases, and enhance health.

Source: Yinan County People's Government

[편집자 주] 이 보도자료는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았으며, 연합뉴스의 편집방향과는 무관함을 밝혀 드립니다.

출처 : 아시아넷 보도자료

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